Sourcing Divorce Records in Washington DC
Divorce Records in Washington, D.C.
Married couples often end up in divorce court. Each divorce is filed in the local county courthouse where the couple lives. The courthouse where the divorce was finalized maintains the records.
Basic information about the divorced couple is included in the divorce records. In general, the husband�s full name, the wife�s full name with her maiden name, the name of the county where the divorce took place, the recorded date for the filing of the divorce, the date of the finalized divorce, and an identifying certificate number are included in the divorce documents.
The number of the couple�s children under the age of eighteen at the time the divorce was filed is included by some states. Additionally, the county where the marriage occurred is included by some states as well. Divorce records are filed under the husband�s name, so that is also the manner in which they are searched.
A typical search for divorce records takes between two and ten days. If the provided information is inaccurate, it will take even longer. A recorded message listing vital record look up fees is available at 202-442-9009.
When requesting certified copies of a divorce record, you will be required to provide specific information about yourself as well as about the individual whose records you are attempting to get. Detailed instructions are included here to assist you with this process.
Follow the guidelines here to produce a more efficient search.
1. Print or type each name and address clearly to avoid confusion. This includes the full name of both the husband and the wife. The maiden name should be included for the wife.
2. Keep your request brief and to the point.
3. Limit your request to one document.
4. Include the full names of the individuals, including nicknames and alternate spellings that may have been used.
5. Include the full address of the individual at the time of the divorce, including street, city or town, and state. If you know the county in which the divorce took place, include that as well.
6. Include the date that the divorce was finalized. If you do not have this piece of information available, include a time frame for the search. Generally, it is best to specify a short span of years for an unknown year search. You can always expand the number of years that you search, and a shorter span will lead to a shorter search. You can expect to pay an additional fee for searches such as this that require more effort.
7. Include contact information where you can be reached in the event that more information is required. Include a daytime telephone number, as well as, an evening telephone number. You may also include a fax number or an e-mail address.
8. You should include your relationship to the individual�s listed in your search request.
9. You should include the purpose of your request.
10. Print your name clearly and sign your request. Some states may also require additional identifying information on you as well, including a driver�s license number.
11. Include a SASE, or self addressed stamped envelope with your request for a speedier delivery.
12. Include the date that you mail your request with your correspondence.
For a copy of a divorce record after September 1956, send a written request to the following address:
District of Columbia Superior Court
Divorce Decrees - Room 4485
500 Indiana Avenue N. W.
Washington DC 20001-2141
Telephone:(202) 879-1261
For a copy of a divorce record before September 1956, send a written request to the following address:
The United States District Court
Files and Copies Branch, Room 1825-A
333 Constitution Avenue, N. W.
Washington D. C. 20001-2802
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