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QUESTION - Regarding the difference between free and
paid public records information, please see below.
ANSWER - This site provides lots
of information to free products, not everything is free but much of
it is. For an updated list
of our free records research see our
QUESTION - I am having trouble with a refund. It says
I need a 8 character clickbank #. What is that. I can't contact them
with out it.
ANSWER - If you purchased a product linked to from this site,
then you will need to contact that site directly to request a
QUESTION - If the service is free- why do I have to pay
for a copy of my divorce papers?
ANSWER - This site provides lots of information to free
products, not everything is free but much of it is. Divorce papers are not likely to be under the
category of free public records as they are of a highly confidential
nature. For an updated list of our free records research see our sitemap