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Texas Inmate Searches



Texas Inmate Search: Find an Inmate Online

Texas Inmate Locator Tool

The Internet is perfect for researching different public records. If looking for a Texas inmate, the World Wide Web offers an abundance of resource tools. Within a few minutes, you can find information on practically any inmate located in one of the state�s correctional facilities. Locator tools are very user-friendly. These tools do not require too much information. Yet, search results provide detail inmate records. Finding a locator tool is also simple. An online search for an inmate locator tool, or Texas inmate, provides a long list of available websites. Of course, a large number of locator tools are fee-based. In other words, requestors must register and pay a membership fee before able to access the information. Nonetheless, there are tons of free online resources. Check out the following free websites that offer an inmate locator tool.

Texas Department of Justice: Locating accurate prison records may seem like a long process. However, with an inmate locator tool, you can have all necessary information at your fingertips instantly. To begin a search with the Texas Department of Justice, visit http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/index.htm. Under General Information, choose the link, �Offender Information.� Offender information provides details on inmate location, offense, and release date. Requestors can access online offender searches. To do so, provide the inmate�s last name, first name, race, ID number, or gender. Submit the request to retrieve information. Moreover, requestors may ask for inmate information via electronic mail. E-mail request should also provide helpful details such as the inmate�s full name, identification number, sex, and race. Submit e-mail request to: classify@tdcj.state.tx.us.

Corrections Inmate Search: This website offers another useful inmate locator tool. To begin a search, visit http://realpolice.net/corrections-search.shtml. Choose the appropriate state. In this case, select �Texas.� Corrections Inmate Search will direct users to the Texas Department of Corrections. From this point, you can request inmate information by completing an online search form or contacting the Department. Telephone or email requests are effective. However, it may take awhile before your request is processed. For quick answers, use the online search option. The Texas Department of Corrections also provides information on sexual offenders, death row inmates, etc. You can also assist the Department by means of their fugitive watch program and parole tip line. Results from an inmate search offer a complete criminal history, conviction history, physical description (height, weight, eye color, hair color, etc.), sentence date, and approximate release date.

Texas Criminal Records: If looking for inmate information, consider a search of Texas criminal records. You can search records by visiting http://www.texascriminalrecords.com. These records provide jail inmate locator, statewide conviction search, and access to search the Federal Bureau of Prisons. A Social Security number is not required. In many cases, an accurate record is easy to locate by simply supplying a first and last name. To start a search, choose the options �Criminal Record Search.� Before a record search occurs, registration is required. Following registration, you can search a variety of public records such as birth records, death records, marriage records, background checks, etc.

Inmate Classifieds: If unable to find information on a city jail inmate, take advantage of Inmate Classifieds. To begin a search, visit http://www.inmate.com/us-county-jails.htm. Scroll down to the section, �Texas County Jails.� Next, choose an inmate list. The state of Texas provides six different inmate lists. This website also provides information on arrest warrant searches, Texas criminal records, and jail activity reports. City jail rosters are difficult to access. Often times, a requestor would have to contact the county jail, speak with a city jail employee, and inquire about an inmate. Online services offer a fast, more convenient service. Jail information consist of booking number, inmate full name, arrival date, offense, and release date. 

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